When employers accuse medical professionals of misconduct

On Behalf of | Sep 25, 2014 | Medical Licensing

Misconduct allegations can impact medical professionals on a very deep level. They have the potential to affect a health care worker’s license status, professional reputation and long-term ability to remain in the medical field.

Our firm has a strong dedication to helping medical professionals who are dealing with misconduct allegations. We understand how troubling being in the midst of such allegations can be for a medical professional, and we can provide such professionals with information on their rights and options and with advice aimed at helping them best protect their long-term interests.

Now, a medical professional may think that the advice of a license defense attorney really wouldn’t be needed until after formal disciplinary charges are brought. However, the rights and interests of a medical professional accused of misconduct can be affected by actions taken long before formal disciplinary charges come about.

Take, for example, what can occur following a medical professional being accused, at work, of misconduct by their employer. After telling the worker of the allegations, the employer might request that the worker make a statement or submit to a certain test, such as a urine test.

Being accused by their employer of misconduct can cause a medical professional to feel very distraught and to have many worries including:

  • How will this affect what my employer thinks of me?
  • What will my co-workers think?
  • Will I lose my job?

In the face of all these worries, a medical professional may be tempted to just do whatever their employer asks in hopes of appeasing their employer and smoothing the matter over in the short-term as quickly as possible. However, what a medical worker says and what actions they take in regards to their employer following a misconduct allegation have the potential to have major impacts down the road for the worker. A health care professional may find that statements they made or actions they took rashly after being confronted by their employer left their rights and interests during later disciplinary investigations or proceedings greatly curtailed.

Thus, it can be important for medical professionals to not make statements or take actions regarding misconduct allegations made by their employer until they fully understand their rights and the potential implications that what they do moving forward could have on their interests. License defense attorneys can be a good source of guidance for medical workers in these sorts of circumstances.