Have you been called before a Pennsylvania licensing board?

On Behalf of | Jun 7, 2019 | Medical Licensing

The State Board of Nursing and State Board of Medicine are two licensing entities in Pennsylvania. If a licensed nurse or physician has his or her actions called into question, it may be necessary for him or her to appear at a hearing. In such cases, the person who stands accused is guaranteed an opportunity to present a defense.

These are not the only two governing bodies regarding professionally licensed workers throughout the state. If you’re a professionally licensed medical worker, you may be at risk for having that license suspended or revoked at any time. It is critical to understand state licensing laws and to know where to seek immediate legal support if you have been accused of wrongful actions in the workplace.

Your professional standing in the community where you serve is a key factor toward a successful career. To the contrary, allegations of inappropriate behavior toward a patient can quickly damage your reputation, even if such accusations are without merit. Preserving your good name and protecting your rights are high priorities, especially if your professionalism is questioned.

The Law Offices of Brian E. Quinn stands ready to go to bat for you if a Pennsylvania licensing board threatens suspension or permanent revocation of your license to practice medicine or nursing in this state. Answering investigators’ questions and standing before a panel of administrators who have the power to strip you of your practice privileges can be a stressful and frightening experience. The good news is that you do not have to go it alone. By requesting a consultation, you can take the first step toward building a strong defense and obtaining personal advocacy support.