Anxiety and depression are occupational hazards for doctors, but these are some of the few professionals who actively seek help for mental health concerns.
There is stigma toward mental health care among physicians, practitioners and nurses, as the general culture of medicine does not look favorably on making mistakes, being overly emotional or taking time off. Licensed providers also fear having their medical license reviewed, suspended or revoked based on a disclosure of mental health conditions or treatment.
Dealing with mental health concerns
Mental health is important and seeking treatment or being open about certain conditions should not impact your medical license. If the issue impacts the ability to do your job and patients under your care are at risk, then the concern becomes more serious and you potentially face license sanctions for your actions. Seeking treatment or taking medication for mental health conditions on your record should not lead to the loss of your medical license.
Understanding the help of the Americans With Disabilities Act
A professional licensing board cannot discriminate against a licensee due to state and federal laws. A mental health condition is a protected disability under the ADA, and a claim for discrimination is possible if a licensing board moves to take action against you for disclosing mental health issues or seeking treatment for one.
For a professional licensing board to revoke your medical license, a clear demonstration of the risk you pose to patients must take place. If you are facing licensing sanctioning action, consult with The Law Offices of Brian E. Quinn to take steps in your defense.