What behaviors may trigger an inquiry before the medical board?

On Behalf of | May 22, 2017 | Medical Licensing

In an increasingly mobile and technological society, modern medicine follows suit. For example, a medical doctor may be licensed in multiple states. Although doctors have private lives, the reaches of social media are broad, possibly encroaching on those boundaries. These realities may also raise novel professional license concerns.

For example, being disciplined by a board in another state may trigger an Order to Show Cause from the Pennsylvania Board of Medicine. Unfortunately, the concept of double jeopardy does not apply in professional licensing, even if a doctor’s license in Pennsylvania is no longer active.

Medical professionals are also held to a high moral standard, even in areas outside their field. For example, a misdemeanor conviction generally has to be disclosed on a nursing renewal application, regardless of the nature of the crime. Professionals are also expected to maintain accurate records, and any misrepresentations may give rise to falsifying record charges.

If any of these issues raise concerns about your own professional standing, it may be wise to consult with a professional license defense attorney. An attorney understands that even administrative functions, such as an investigator asking questions, may have repercussions or detrimental effect to the ultimate legal strategy. Similarly, an attorney can also help if you have questions about how to respond on a professional license renewal application.

At our law firm, our goal is to safeguard your professional license, which ultimately means your right to continue working. Don’t appear before a hearing examiner and board on your own. It is also important to remember that you are under no obligation to answer an investigator’s informal questions. Anything said to an investigator or the board might be used against you in a formal hearing. An attorney can help you protect your professional reputation.

Related Page: “Frequently Asked Questions About Professional License Defense in Pennsylvania,” copyright 2017, The Law Offices of Brian E. Quinn