When you face criminal charges or have been convicted, your instinct may be to keep it a secret. You may know that it could impact your career as a nurse in Pennsylvania, but think that you can get away with hiding a misdemeanor or criminal charge from the State Board...
Month: October 2016
Could a common mistake jeopardize your nursing career?
Professional license inquiries against doctors often get media coverage. However, it is important to remember that other medical professionals may also be subjected to an investigation from the applicable licensing board. In such event, an attorney who focuses on...
The American Nurses Association (ANA) says approximately 10% of nurses are dependent on drugs, making the incidence of drug abuse and addiction among nurses consistent with that with the U.S. population Some nursing specialties, such as anesthesia, critical care,...
Story poses questions about licensing board’s discretionary power
For those who might question how much discretion rests with a medical licensing board, a recent story provides a stark example. The professional in question is a New York dentist who was convicted of possession of a forged instrument. In New York, the state Department...
Most employers, including all major hospitals that I am aware of, routinely perform written job evaluations. If your employer does annual job evaluations, it is in your best interest to obtain a copy of each evaluation and keep it for a minimum of five (5) years. If,...