As a Pennsylvania medical physician, nurse or practitioner, your professional reputation is likely a key factor to your success. Many medical professionals have built successful and lucrative careers through word-of-mouth recommendations from patients. To the...
Month: November 2017
A guide for medical marijuana doctors in Pennsylvania
The debate over whether to legalize marijuana has been a hot topic across the country in recent years. Advocates of legalization boast the benefits of the drug, praising it as a natural treatment for chronic pain as well as a way to control or reduce symptoms...
Licensing board official says doctor poses danger to patients
When a Pennsylvania doctor's actions are called into question, the fate of his or her license often lies in the hands of the State Board of Medicine. A physician in another state has been accused of violating accepted medical standards and protocol. A chief official...
Doctors hesitate to seek help due to licensing board fears
Pennsylvania doctors and all other licensed physicians are humans, just like everyone else. That means they might experience the same types of problems an average person has in his or her private life. Sadly, recent studies show that many doctors hesitate to get help...