Physician License Defense

Doctors, nurses and other health care professionals face enormous pressure in their professional capacity. When an act such as diverting prescription medicine or driving under the influence (DUI) threatens to destroy your career, the pressure intensifies.

Perhaps you have received an application from the Physicians Health Monitoring Program (PHMP) and are wondering whether you should complete and send in the form. You simply want to alleviate the stress.

At The Law Offices of Brian E. Quinn, we work with physicians who have come under investigation for matters that threaten their professional licensure. If you are a doctor facing charges of unlawful or criminal behavior, contact us today.

When To Call A Lawyer

If a complaint has been lodged against you for a drug- or alcohol-related matter, the Professional Health Monitoring Program (PHMP) is generally notified. You are typically sent an application to participate in this program. Yet submitting the form may limit your rights.

The time to contact an attorney is now before you respond and before you sign away any of your rights. At The Law Offices of Brian E. Quinn, our attorneys will advise you on whether to complete the application.

Physicians Health Program (PHP)

The Professional Health Monitoring Program (PHMP) and its various methods are available to physicians as licensed professionals. However, the Physicians Health Program (PHP) is a particularly strong aid dedicated solely to doctors.

The PHP is a program of the Foundation of the Pennsylvania Medical Society that operates under a Memorandum of Understanding with the State Board of Medicine. This program provides support and advocacy for physicians struggling with addiction, mental health or other issues. The PHP typically asks physicians to enter into a five-year contract. The PHP will require that the physician undergoes an assessment by a treatment provider that will determine what course of treatment will be provided. There will also be random urine screens, required attendance at 12-step meetings, group and/or individual therapy and workplace monitors.

The PHP is confidential, but physicians must disclose their participation to their employer. The employer will send periodic reports to the PHP.

It is important that you speak with a professional license lawyer skilled in addiction issues before you contact the PHP.

Speak With A Medical License Defense Attorney

When you secure our services, we will not only examine the evidence related to your administrative hearing, but also look at the core factors that have led to an investigation. By looking at the issues first, our medical license lawyers can help you take voluntary, proactive steps to get the assistance you need and avoid the loss of your professional license.

Preserving your professional standing in the communities in which you serve is our priority at The Law Offices of Brian E. Quinn. If you would like to speak with an attorney about your impending administrative hearing or about some other aspect of the professional license defense process, use our online contact form to schedule a meeting or call 866-657-7318.

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