Preparing For Investigation As A Licensed Professional

Licensed professionals in Pennsylvania, be they nurses, doctors, dentists, pharmacists, architects, accountants or others, sometimes find themselves the subject of a complaint by a patient or client. When this happens, the Bureau of Enforcement and Investigation (BEI) is called upon to investigate the matter. How the license holder handles this investigation makes a difference in the ultimate outcome.

At the Philadelphia-based law offices of Brian E. Quinn, we focus much of our work on defending professional licenses across Pennsylvania. Our attorneys are highly experienced in this unique area of law and approach each case pragmatically. We counsel our clients on appropriate ways in which to interact with BEI investigators, always with the goal of preserving the client’s professional reputation and his or her practice.

What Are My Rights In The Investigatory Process?

BEI investigators (and investigators from the various licensing boards) are thorough in their work. They carefully review the various documents that pertain to the case, and they often visit the homes and businesses of people with whom the professional interacts. Investigators also seek to discuss the matter directly with the professional.

This is a critical moment. Do not talk to the investigator without an attorney present. You are under no obligation to speak. Anything you say to the investigator can be used against you later in the proceeding. You are not even obligated to allow the investigator into your house. The investigator must comply with your request to consult with a lawyer before making a statement.

Our Experience Makes A Difference

Our Philadelphia license defense attorneys are some of the most experienced you will find in the commonwealth. We have handled investigations involving the BEI, the nursing board, dental board, medical board, pharmacy board and nearly all other boards in the state. We can guide you through the process and make an otherwise challenging period in your life more manageable.

We Are Committed To Preserving Your Career

Preserving your professional standing in the communities in which you serve is our priority at The Law Offices of Brian E. Quinn. If you would like to speak with an attorney about how to conduct yourself when contacted by the BEI, contact us today online or call our Philadelphia office toll-free at 866-657-7318.

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